Weir/Brush Skimmer Lamor LWS 70

Unit Description (English)

Lamor weir skimmer and Quattro brush adapter w/ GT A70 Archimedes screw pump, packaged in K-2 container

Product Specifications

Serial Number(s) S-112, S-117, S-118
Dimensions 116x79x49 in / 295x201x124 cm
Weight 3084 lb / 1399 kg
Air Transport Equiv 1.0
Units in Stock 3 as of 13 Aug 2012
Type of Oil Effective With: I, II, III, IV
Environment: Near Shore, River
Price $140,000.00

Product Description (English)

System consists of weir skimmer, heavy oil brush adapter, 3-in. Archimedes screw pump, diesel hydraulic power pack, spare parts and hoses, packaged in K-2 container. System has derated capacity of 1509 bbl. Per day (216 metric tonnes). 3-in. discharge fitting. 100 ft./30 m. 3-in. discharge hose. 1-in. water injection fitting. 80 ft./24 m. of 1-in. water hose.


Product Description (Spanish)

Sistema de recoleccion Komara


Product Use

Recovering light, medium and heavy oil offshore and in protected harbors and river environments. Brush adaptor, positive displacement screw pump, and water injection improve heavy oil capacity.


Operational Considerations

GTA70 pump has an inlet side steam/hot water annulus water injection flange (AWIF). This capability improves viscous oil pumping. When used as a transfer pump, the GTA70 will fit through a 16-in. (400 mm.) diameter hatch or manhole. Temporary storage tank is required for recovered oil.