6 Inch Trash Pump Spares

Unit Description (English)

Plastic container containing manual, spares, tools, and fittings for trash pump.

Product Specifications

Serial Number(s) P-006,P-007,P-008,P-009,P-010
Dimensions 48x24x24 in / 122x61x61 cm
Weight 245 lb / 111 kg
Air Transport Equiv 0.1
Units in Stock 5 as of 14 Aug 2012
Type of Oil Effective With: I, II, III, IV, V
Environment: Near Shore, River
Price $500.00

Product Description (English)

Spare filters, seals, lube oil. Tools and fittings.


Product Description (Spanish)

Repuestos para las bombas de 6 pulgadas


Product Use

Field repairs and operating enhancements to Pump.


Operational Considerations

Plastic container is transported with pump and mounted to trailer tongue.